Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Controlling Food Consumption: Why Now?

A McDonald's billboard

       The American culture is constantly changing. The typical ways of life the elderly lived are different in many aspects to the way life is now. Nowadays a typical Saturday morning for an American child generally may consist of watching cartoons. During those cartoons, commercials are played throughout the duration of the program. Food is the most commonly advertised product during children’s television shows. Therefore the rest is economics; the child then considers these foods wants and will nag at parents until they get what they want. It is important to recognize that advertisements of food are seen everywhere though, not just on the television. Dr. T. Boyce of the Cardiff School of Journalism states in his article, “The Media and Obesity,” that “Removing advertising from television might onlydisplace it to other areas such as radio, magazines, supermarkets, billboards,direct-to consumer and the Internet – all of which are more difficult toregulate than television.” To further go off of that statement, all of those realms of media, along with television, is too difficult for the government to regulate Therefore, instead of trying to regulate the advertisement of food products, it is essential for the government to go directly to the source and regulate food supply.
There are weight standards in order to be in the U.S. armed forces
In considering this issue, it affects not only the individual’s life, but other lives as well. 75% of young adults do not meet the requirements to joined our country’s armed forces, one of the biggest reasons being that some young adults ages 17 to 24 are too overweight. This being the case is detrimental to our country as a whole, and its future.
Another main reason why we need the government to start regulating food consumption is because we as citizens sometimes just can’t help ourselves and get carried away.

Think of the last time you went out to get food to satisfy your craving, and then you felt like you wanted more so you just kept eating? It probably wasn’t too long ago since we all have these cravings. However, these cravings can lead to health problems, if indulged in too often, causing for one to have to go to the doctor for treatments and prescriptions more often. In fact, obesity accounts for about 147 billion dollars annually in just the United states alone.
These are problems not only affecting the individual, but the American population as a whole. In order for our country to continue being a strong force that it is known to be, this problem needs to be dealt with by the government, so it does not get even further out of control. 


  1. How would you envision some form of government enforcing these restrictions on consumption? I do not think the current atmosphere is one at all conducive to giving the government anything near real control of day-to-day lives, let alone doing so in a feasible manner.

    1. Thank you Ryan. You bring up a good point that opens my eyes up to this issue and in my next blog I will include insight on how the government should go about enacting this regulation.

  2. The title describes the entry perfectly. I am curious though as Ryan stated, to read about your ideas on how the government should go about controlling the consumption of food. We are in a time where people are making change with protest, as we are seeing with gay rights and other ideas. People nowadays are not so open to having their actions controlled by the government, so the task is difficult.

    1. Thank you Cristian. You are right in that the task would be difficult to regulate, and have everyone follow those regulations as well. You bring up a good point in that times are changing. However, it seems that if the government can get people to see that this regulation is for the better of the country and it's people, then hopefully people would be more open to this change seeing that it is in their long and short term benefit.
