Monday, November 12, 2012

Controlling Food Consumption: Why Waste Our Time?

Here is a scenario to consider: a person is scrolling through channels while watching television, and they come across a food cooking show called The Chew. They have never seen the show before, so they curiously watch it. The chef and the host of the show were chatting about children eating healthy and how one in three kids in America will grow up to be obese if food consumption patterns do not start changing now. It is not until ironically after the show breaks for commercial that the first one that comes on is one for Pringles. With advertisements like this one consistently being thrown in Americans faces, it is no wonder that some Americans have no sense of what kinds of foods they should be eating, and how much. This being the case, it is necessary for the American government to have more control over food consumption. In understanding this claim it is important to first look at how obesity, type two diabetes, and other health related conditions are on the rise in America. Next, to solve these problems, it is necessary to take a look at what kinds of actions our government can take to help control food consumption.
Obesity rates increasing throughout the years
Obesity rates and a rise in type II diabetes in this country is a problem that has been going on for decades. There has been a 214% increase in overweight and obese people in America since 1950, and currently one in three kids in America is obese. But why is there such an increase in obesity in America? One answer might be because children and adults alike are eating more and exercising less, causing leftover calories to be stored as fat. A lot of children do not play outside like they use to, due to indoor technology, causing them to want to eat more snacks after school while they are playing a video game or watching TV. This is even more of a problem because during the day, when children are at school, lunch options for them are often times consisting of processed foods that are high in fat, sugar, and salt. Also in that same article, Cory Schreiber, Culinary Instructor at The Art Institute of Portland says that “healthier changes in school lunches should be put in place by our government with a federal Nutrition Program.”
Food companies that regulate food supply in America
The American government has put in place numerous programs to help regulate food supply. However, the methods the government and schools use to appeal to their audience; the American people as a whole but more specifically mothers of young children, are not being used as effectively as they should be. Also, proper labeling of all food and beverage sources, research done to reveal the effects of advertising in one’s decision making process regarding food and beverages, and the programs put in place to help hinder children from becoming overweight and obese, all need to be funded for properly. The money is available for these programs, it just needs to be put to good use which will happen if it is managed correctly so that it is put in the right areas.
The urgency of this issue is seen through the statistics presented. Daily, advertisements present Americans with beverages and food options that are unhealthy. Whether it is recognized and realized or not, the food industry has a hold on the American population as a whole, therefore government regulations are needed so that the government can have more control over food consumption.


  1. Ashley,

    This is a really interesting topic. How much do you think lack of exercise has to do with America's obesity problem? And how much government control is too much, with respect to food companies?

    1. Thank you Sarah. I think the lack of exercise has a lot to do with America's obesity problem. That lack of exercise combined with other the other factors of obesity creates for a huge problem that if not stopped will end up costing our nation and it's people severely in the long run.

  2. Hey Ashley,

    I am really interested on reading more about your topic. One piece of advice that I would give is to focus a lot on the media. The government has more control over the media than on imposing rules and regulations on people. People tend to do things whether it's legal or not... haha

    1. Thank you Cristian. I agree with your point and will defiantly consider focusing on the media more in future blogs. However in order to not get away from my main topic too much (which is that the government should regulate food supply), I will use the media's influence on people and how the government can control what is advertised as a supporting argument.

  3. You've got a good topic and some productive discussion going here. I'd like to pose these two questions to complicate your life :-) : Is obesity necessarily unhealthy? Or is it the unhealthy patterns of eating and (not) exercising that are the root problem?

    1. Thank you Vicki. Statistics show (and in future blogs I will share these statistics) that obesity causes many other health problems. It is the combination of the two, not exercising and eating unhealthily, that causes these health problems. Having large rates of obesity in our country as we currently do have causes for problems for our country in multiple other areas (as seen in future blogs as well) therefore, some say that the only real solution at this point is for government intervention.
